Formación de galaxias

Peacock White S.D.M., Formation and Evolution of Galaxies, Les Houches Summer School, 353, 1996 2007 19 marzo Bertschinger
16 abril Self-similar spherical Collapse with non-radial motions, Nusser 2001
19 abril The evolution of Cooling Flows: Self-Similar Cooling Waves, Bertschinger 1989.
23 abril Power spectrum, initial conditions, CDM-like P(k), Press-Schechter, Poison noise
26 abril Fluctuacion in mass versus scale, the shape of the power spectrum
30 abril P(k)~k^n (Julio's question about velocity dispersion and mass with scale). Simulated properties of halos: density profile, LSB galaxies, correlation between concentration and mass
3 mayo no di clase
7 mayo substructure, velocity dispersion, Taylor & Navarro 2001, anisotropy parameter, dimensionless spin parameter
10 mayo (workshop astronomia teorica)
14 mayo angular momentum I
17 mayo angular momentum II
21 mayo Porciani Dekel & Hoffmann
24 mayo Cooling Diagram: Rees & Ostriker 1977, Silk 1977, Navarro & Steinmetz 1997
28 mayo Mo Mao & White I
31 mayo Mo Mao & White II
4 junio Dark matter halos, shapes, alignments and Adiabatic Contraction
07 junio
11 junio
14 junio