FoF 2017 – Last circular

Next week will begin the seventh Friends of Friends 2017 meeting iCórdoba (Argentina). We announce the final program that can be seen on the official website Please check day/time assigned to you.

The poster sessions will have an oral presentation of five minutes per person in order to summarize the work.

Please, as soon as possible, send us the pdf file of your talk (oral and poster).

We also ask those who need to open ports either to enable e-mail, ssh or some other service notify us as soon as possible.

On Thursday will be the Astroinformatics session on computing techniques, high performance computing and machine learning using R and Python. Please bring your laptop with the following packages installed:
* Anaconda 2 (numpy, scipy, jupyter, matplotlib)
* Scikit-learn
* Keras
* Theano
* R + ggplot
In this edition there will be sports activities, basquet and football (days to be confirmed).

One of the cultural, social and tourist activities will consist of a trip to Alta Gracia ( and Estación Astrofísica de Bosque Alegre ( on Wednesday afternoon. The cost will be ARS 300 (USD 20). In this tour we will visit 4 museums ( and then we will end
the day in Bosque Alegre with a guided tour where we will taste tables of cheeses, salami and sandwiches. We will also offer a dinner Thursday night with a Food Truck ( with beer and free pizza for ARS 250 (USD 16).

We will need confirmation of these activities by Tuesday noon.
Questions should be addressed to the meeting email:
See you soon in Cordoba, the FoF 2017 LOC.
Organizing institutions: IATE –  CONICET/UNC and OAC – UNC.