Martes 07/05: Eight-Legged Encounters: Arachnids, Volunteers, and Art help Scientists Communicate Science

Título: Eight-Legged Encounters: Arachnids, Volunteers, and Art help Scientists Communicate Science
Expositor: Dra. Eileen Hebets (School of Biological Sciences – University of Nebraska-Lincoln)

Fecha: Martes 7 de mayo de 2019, 11 hs, auditorio IATE.

Resumen: In the 21st century, a general knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts is required for making the best choices for our families, our society, our planet, and ourselves. Unfortunately, formal education often falls short on providing the necessary science-related skills, literacy, and proficiency for optimally navigating life. As such, informal science learning, often through effective science communication by research-active scientists, can play a vital role for a functioning society. In my talk, I will discuss my own experiences with science communication and informal science learning. Specifically, I will provide an overview of an education model that I developed that employs the charismatic nature of arachnids to engage the public of all ages in science learning; learning that aligns with national science standards. My model involves a family-friendly, interactive science event entitled Eight-Legged Encounters (ELE) and includes more the 40 hands-on modules to engage visitors. In addition to providing information on the ELE activities and their impact, I will also discuss my experiences with other forms of science communication (e.g. formal coursework, informal youth summer camps, etc.). I will end with advice for scientists on how they might communication their science effectively.