The Local Organizing Committee of the 8th Friends of Friends Meeting is pleased to announce the next edition of this meeting, to be held in the Astronomical Observatory of Córdoba, located in the city of Córdoba, from April 3rd through 6th of 2018.
The FoF Meeting is a yearly international meeting that gathers researchers from several countries around the world, jointly organized by the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Astronomy and the Astronomical Observatory of Córdoba (OAC). It aims at enhancing interactions between members of the local and international communities and promoting thecreation of new collaboration networks.
The main topics of the event are the Large Scale Structure of the Universe, Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy, Interstellar Medium, Stellar Astrophysics, Celestial Mechanics and Planetary Systems, and Plasma Physics.
In addition to talks by invited speakers, participants will have the opportunity to present their work through oral and poster contributions. Registration and abstract submission are now open through the webpage of the Meeting (http://fof.oac.uncor.edu/)
Please consider spread this news to your colleagues and institute.
Registration: Nov. 3, 2017
Abstract submission: Feb. 2, 2018
– Charalambous Carolina (IATE)
– Gunthardt Guillermo (OAC)
– Kanagusuku María José (IATE)
– Lares Marcelo (IATE)
– López Pablo (FaMAF)
– Parisi Celeste (OAC)
– Ruiz Andrés (IATE)