Revelan detalles de la evolución de las galaxias que se zambullen en los cúmulosDescubrimiento de una galaxia inesperadamente solitariaDesentrañando la Estructura de los Jets en el Universo

Details of the evolution of "backsplash" galaxies unravelled

A study led by a team from the Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Astronomy (IATE), using computer simulations, explains the transformation of galaxies that enter and leave a cluster.

Unexpectedly lonely galaxy discovered

An international team, including Carlos Donzelli, a researcher at the Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental (IATE) and the Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba, made a finding that could challenge the timescales in which galaxies are expected to grow. These results were obtained using data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Gemini International Observatory.

Unravelling the Structure of Jets in the Universe

El importante avance publicado en la revista The Astrophysical Journal Letters fue logrado por un equipo internacional liderado por Adriana Rodríguez-Kamenetzky del Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental (IATE, Argentina) e integrado por colegas de México, España e India.

Annual Meeting

Since 2022, at the beginning of each year, IATE organises a meeting that brings together the entire institute. This meeting facilitates the exchange of the themes being worked on and the plans for the current year. We invite all research and computer and instrumentation systems groups to present their progress and contributions. In this way, institute members can share what they are doing and keep abreast of their colleagues’ activities, thus fostering new opportunities for collaboration and synergies between the teams.


2023 Annual Meeting


Reunión Anual 2024



Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy

The 13.8 billion years of the Universe is enough time to form giant objects, being the galaxies one of the most interesting. Galaxies are truly island universes where […]

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Stellar Astrophysics

El Universo está plagado de estrellas y la mayoría de ellas forman sistemas estelares y asociaciones. Entre los muchos sistemas estelares que pueden observarse, los cúmulos estelares (CE) se encuentran […]

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Large Scale Structure of the Universe

The large-scale structure of the Universe is the field of cosmology that studies the distribution of the matter in the Universe on the largest scales […]

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Astrophysical Plasmas

The plasma is the most common state of the baryonic matter in the Universe (99%). Most of a star, the interplanetary and interstellar medium, and the ionosphere, are plasmas […]

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Planetary Systems

Los estudios desarrollados por los integrantes del Grupo de Sistemas Planetarios buscan descifrar el origen y la evolución dinámica de planetas y cuerpos menores que orbitan el Sol u otras estrellas. […]

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