Friday 04/12: Dissecting the complex properties of analogues of reionization galaxies

Expositor: Dr. Ricardo Amorín (Universidad de La Serena)
Date: Viernes 4 de diciembre de 2020, 11 hs

Resumen: Young low-mass galaxies with extreme emission-line properties are ubiquitous at high redshift and they are believed to play a key role in cosmic reionisation and the early growth of galaxies at z>4-6. However, a detailed characterisation of their physical properties, critical for a better understanding of these two outstanding problems, is yet not possible. A unique population of low-redshift analogues of these primeval systems, dubbed Green Pea (GP) galaxies (z~0.1-0.3), offer an ideal laboratory to study in larger detail the physical mechanisms driving massive star formation, feedback and chemical evolution under similar extreme conditions, thus paving the way for future JWST and ELT studies of young galaxies.
In this talk, I will summarize the main breakthroughs achieved in recent observational studies of local GPs. In particular, I will discuss possible relations found for the ionised gas kinematics, chemical enrichment and the escape of ionising photons in these compact starbursts from deep high-resolution UV and optical spectroscopy. These results provide prospects to test model predictions with larger samples of galaxies from ongoing HST programs and their optical follow-ups.


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