Title: An agile approach to academy
Expositors: Dr. Marcelo Lares (OAC, IThreex Global) e Ing. Adriano Antonello (IThreex Global)
Date and Time: Jueves 2 de Junio a las 17hs
Place: Auditorio IATE
Abstract: Agile methodologies have been developed in the software industry to increase the performance of teams, the output-to-effort ratio and the delivery of results within a defined timeline. A similar approach has been proposed to increase research output and improve motivation in a research environment, especially in the projects related to PhD studies. We will discuss the basic principles of this methodology and how it can be applied to get better and faster results in a research project.
Modality: Hybrid.
Virtual: Video call link: https://meet.google.com/gzb-pcii-nfw, streaming: https://stream.meet.google.com/stream/d32924b4-d04f-40d9-98c9-fcee2e8acfc6